Contact us

We are always happy to answer your questions.  You can contact us through email, phone, fax or just come on into our shop.

Our official hours*:


Monday - Friday11 am - 5 pm

Summer hours - Closed Saturdays Memorial Day weekend until after Labor Day unless by appointment.

Winter hours 11 am - 3 pm September - May.

SundayDecember only 11 am - 3 pm

Store address:

10120 Main Street, Clarence, NY 14031, USA

*We are often in the store later than our official hours and still answer the phone and have the store open.  Some times we will be closed due to attending trade shows and conventions like ConExpoConAgg, MinExpo, HCEA national convention, etc and also some holidays.  All closings will be listed on our web site under NEWS.  Since we are in the Buffalo area sometimes we might be late or have to close while we dig ourselves out of the snow in the winter time.  A foot of snow is nothing but when you get 3 or more feet at time it . slows down things even in Buffalo.


Phone: 716-759-7451 - answered by real people, not a computer during normal store hours or if we are working late (which is most of the time).

In person: Stop in our shop and say "Hi".  With thousands of items on display you will have a lot to see!  Check out the pictures of the inside of our shop.

Fax: 716-759-7462

Holidays we are closed:

  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4th Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve - close early
  • Christmas Day